Case Studies


Age 13 | Lost 7lbs in 3 months.

Jake’s mom says that “Jake was able to maintain the weight loss because the changes we made to his diet were sustainable”.


Age 64 

“Daryn’s Swoptions™️ System & private coaching sessions, helped me to finally lose the weight and keep it off without ever feeling deprived or that  I was missing out.”



Age 55

Daryn’s Swoptions  made it easy for me to Lose the weight and keep it off without feeling deprived and or having to cut out any food groups. I have been able to sustain my weight loss thanks to Daryn, her coaching and weight loss system.


Age 21 | Lost 10lbs in 6 weeks

Samantha says that the Swoptions System is not a diet but a lifestyle change. “By making small swops I was able to lose and maintain my weight without feeling like I was on a diet. Thanks to Daryn, I learned how to make healthier meals that I enjoy eating”.