Swoptions system



The Swoptions System was created to make it easier for you  to make healthier food choices without feeling deprived or bad about what you are eating.Swoptions empowers you to enjoy all the foods you love in a healthier way.

You don’t have to Stop It, just SWOP It with customized Swoptions that will help you achieve your weight goals, boost your metabolism, improve digestion, reduce inflammation and so much more. Unlike diets that can be restrictive, the Swoptions System gives you freedom to make choices you feel good about, helping you to build a healthy relationship with food by instilling confidence in yourself and your menu choices.

With Swoptions  you can have your cake and eat it too…literally.

Want to learn more? 

Daryn Mayer

it’s all about

Lifestyle Exercise Attitude Nutrition*

I have been passionate about eating healthy and exercising since I can remember.

I have always enjoyed sharing my tips with others and after spending many years in the corporate world, I decided to turn my passion into a profession.

Now I work with all life stages – pregnancy, families and children as well as adults and seniors.

When we work together you will learn easy ways to achieve your wellness goals with my SIMPLE SWAP SYSTEM approach to leading your best life.

I have been yo-yo dieting for the better part of my life. Daryn changed all that. Working with her has changed my life. I have finally lost my excess weight and have been able to keep it off. I have more energy and my skin has improved dramatically.


Age 56

I met Daryn after having surgery to remove a melanoma (skin cancer). At that time I had very unhealthy eating habits and I was smoking. Daryn helped me improve my diet and with her help and a nicotine patch I haven’t smoked since. I am regularly screened for skin cancer and I am happy to share that I have been cancer free since. 


Age 38

When I met Daryn my 5 year old son would only eat croissants, yogurt and pizza. He was tired and cranky all the time. Daryn helped me to improve and expand my son’s diet and incorporate healthier foods and I was shocked and thrilled at how much he loved her recomendations. 


Age 40

I met Daryn after I was diagnosed with heart disease. My diet was all wrong and I knew it but did not know how to change it. With her Simple Swaps approach, Daryn helped me not only with food and product recommendations but she also showed me how to cook healthier. My heart health has improved and so has my weight, thanks to Daryn. 


Age 62

When I met Daryn, I was eating half a pint of ice cream every day. I had no energy and was depressed all the time. Daryn helped me improve my mental and physical health with her simple swap approach. She gave me healthier options for ice cream she also helped me to incorporate healthier foods into my diet.


Age 57

I met Daryn after having a miscarriage. I wanted to improve my diet and lifestyle before I got pregnant again. Daryn helped me improve my eating habits to help make my body stronger and healthier as well as helped me reduce environmental toxins from my lifestyle. 


Age 33